Damage to Road
Sep 1, 2016
Airport Rd. is badly damaged in Hurricane Hermine, as has happened before in other storms. Though not scientific, it seemed as though the areas of the road that were damaged lined up with areas that did not have oyster reefs or vegetation in front of them.
University of Florida Workshop Series
Sep 25, 2016
The University of Florida forms a project team to discuss the issue of erosion along and damage of Airport Rd. and commence stakeholder workshops.
- Mark Clark – UF IFAS Soil and Water Science Department
- Savanna Barry – UF IFAS Nature Coast Biological Station
- Christine Angelini – UF Environmental Engineering
- Scott Wasman – UF Environmental Engineering
- Jon Dain – Florida Natural Resource Leadership Institute (UF IFAS)
- Wendy-Lin Bartles – Florida Natural Resource Leadership Institute (UF IFAS)
Airport Rd. Design Workshop
Nov 3, 2017
The University of Florida project team presents four draft designs to a group of 15 stakeholders. Stakeholders discussed many important issues and concepts and provided the project team good feedback. However, few landowners were able to attend and this prevented the group from reaching a clear decision.
Engage Landowners
Nov 5, 2017
Focused effort to work with Airport Rd. landowners to increase engagement in the process and move ahead with project planning and design.
Homeowner Focus Group
Jan 11, 2018
Landowners on Airport Rd. participated in a focused workshop to discuss the project. Landowners unanimously voted on one project design to refine with the project team.
Wrap-Up Workshop
Mar 29, 2018
Final formal workshop where stakeholders will discuss the final design one last time and outline a process for moving toward implementation.
Finalize Design and Apply for Funding
Apr 26, 2018
Project team obtained several grants that are funding for permits and living shoreline implementation to make these projects, planned with stakeholder input, a reality.
Key Dates
Apr – Dec 2018: DEP Resilience Planning grant, EPA Gulf of Mexico Program grant, and FWC State Wildlife Grant awarded
Jan 2019: Stakeholder update meeting
May 2019: Stakeholder update meeting
Jun 2019: Permit applications submitted
Fall 2019-Winter 2020: Permits approved
Feb 2020: Pre-construction meeting
Project Construction
Spring 2020
Jun 2020: Oyster reef ball installation — Reef balls are concrete domes that act as a hard surface for oysters to attach. As oysters and barnacles settle on them, they will filter water and help break wave energy.
Oct 2020: Sand placement — Additional sand along the shoreline was necessary to replace what had been lost over decades of erosion. The team placed sand directly on top of the riprap and concrete on the shoreline to protect these armored structures while enhancing natural shoreline benefits!
Nov 2020: Vegetation planting — Marsh and dune vegetation help stabilize and hold sands in place and trap new sands over time.
Explore the living shoreline in 360°!
June 2020 – Present
Watch as the living shoreline enhancement efforts reduce coastal erosion, increase community resilience, and improve the ecosystem.