Lone Cabbage Reef Restoration Project

Project Status and Accomplishments The Lone Cabbage Reef Oyster Restoration project was completed this summer marking the end of more than fourteen years of work in the region. This project, which was culminated by the successful restoration of a chain of oyster reef more than three miles long in 2018, is the largest successful oyster […]
Gulf-wide assessment of habitat use and habitat-specific production estimates of nekton in turtlegrass

Sponsor: NOAA Restore Award Dates: 2017 –2022 Investigators: Kelly M. Darnell (The University of Southern Mississippi), Zachary Darnell (The University of Southern Mississippi), Delbert L. Smee (Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi), Charles W. Martin (University of Florida), Bradley Furman (Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission), and Margaret O. Hall (Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission) Marine […]
Hooks Designed to Minimize Fish Injuries

Releasing fish can help conserve their populations, but the process of capturing and handling fish also can result in injuries or death. These “discard effects” present a major conservation issue in recreational fisheries: even if the percentage of injuries and mortalities are relatively small, fisheries, where large numbers of fish are released, can have cumulative […]
Managing Invasive Lionfish

Indo-Pacific red lionfish (Pterois volitans/miles complex) in the Western Atlantic Ocean have been the most successful marine fish invasion on record and caused region-wide negative effects on reef fish communities and ecosystem processes. Mitigating their impacts is a top priority for marine resource managers. Developing lionfish fisheries has been proposed as a market-based solution to […]
Fish Sounds

Project Lead: Audrey Looby (University of Florida) Project Participants: Amalis Riera, Sarah Vela, Kieran Cox, Santiago Bravo, Rodney Rountree, Francis Juanes, Laura K. Reynolds, Charles W. Martin Participating Institutions: University of Florida, University of Victoria, Universidade de São Paulo, MERIDIAN, FishBase Link to website: FishSounds.net Goals and Objectives Fish are one of the largest groups […]
Gap Analysis for Invasive Species Pathways

Sponsor: United States Geological Service with funding from the United States Fish and Wildlife Service Award Dates: August 2021 – August 2022 Investigators: Wesley Daniel (USGS Fish Biologist-WARC), Charlie Martin (Research Assistant Professor, University of Florida), and Zoey Hendrickson (University of Florida) Goals and ObjectivesInvasive species are recognized globally as a major threat to native […]
Stone Crab Research

The Florida stone crab fishery operates primarily along the Gulf Coast, from the Panhandle to the Florida Keys. The fishery is one of the most valuable in Florida, with over $30 million in revenue generated annually. This fishery is unique in that crabbers remove the claws and release the crabs back into the water, where […]
Modeling Red Tide Impacts on the West Florida Shelf

On the West Florida Shelf, episodic red tide blooms caused by the dinoflagellate Karenia brevis can have major effects on the ecosystem, fisheries, tourism, and human health. For over a decade, scientists have attempted to incorporate red tide into stock assessment models of red and gag grouper. On several occasions, managers have been forced to […]